Effective Kitchen Sink Plumbing Cleanout Diagram for Busy Homeowner

Kitchen Sink Plumbing Cleanout

The cleanout pipes of your kitchen sink help easily access the sewerage drain line. Your plumbers can access the drain pipe and sewerage line through the cleanout section. It becomes handy when removing clogs and fixing blocks inside the main draining pipe.

When you decide to install a kitchen sink, you must also know the details about kitchen sink cleanout and its diagram. With the right diagram design, you will install the cleanout system properly. So, it may become useless, and your investment will go fruitless.

Hence, we will show you the measurements and diagram of the related pipes and parts for the cleanout portion of the sink. If you need it, stay tuned and continue reading.

What Is A Kitchen Sink Cleanout System?

A cleanout system for the kitchen sinks and additional piping that allows easy access to the main drain and sewerage lines. It will start right underneath the sink beside the P-trap and leads outside. You can locate it outside the home in your backyard.

The sink cleanout aims to ensure easy and quick cleaning of the draining pipes. Over the years, the sink drainage gets clogged due to residual and sedimental development. With the cleanout system, you can access the sewage and drain pipes. It frees you from the hassles of removing the P-trap and sink to access inside the tubes. As a result, cleaning and maintaining the draining and sewage becomes easier.

A cleanout segment is a must if your kitchen sink has a horizontal and elongated draining pipe. You should install a cleanout for each 100-foot sink draining to manage the draining better. The cleaning connection has two sides that include:

  1. The cleanout connection starts at the highest point of your kitchen sink draining pipe.
  2. The end will usually connect with the main sewage lines of your building. So, its end will be outside the home with easy access.

Where the cleanout locates:

The location of the kitchen sink fixture and its cleanout is attractive. Usually, plumbers will install the sink cleanout right above the fixtures and close to the P-trap segment. It connects with all the urinal points of your overall draining diagram. So, you can mechanically clean the main draining and sewage lines easily as you can access the urinal segment. It frees you from the hassles of removing the urinal, and so it becomes easy to manage the sink draining system.

Also, it improves the lifespan of the building walls and drywalls, as you don’t need to remove them. So, the sink cleanout will help you reduce the drain management cost.

Benefits Of Kitchen Sink Cleanout:

When you have installed the kitchen sink cleanout, it brings many benefits. From increasing the resell value of your home to easy cleaning, it includes many aspects.

Makes cleaning easy:

Plumbers will use the cleanout portion to inspect and clean the draining pipes easily. They can run video inspections through the cleanout segment to find the blocks and clogs. So, they can inspect only some of the systems, which can be costly and time-consuming.

The plumber will quickly remove the cleanout opening in the susceptible portion for a quick inspection. Once they find the blocks, they can run a wire and plumbing wire to wipe out the clogs. This way, people can quickly get rid of unnecessary clogs easily.

Makes drainage maintenance easy:

Typically, people need to clean the sewerage lines through the roof and bathroom for clogs. However, with the sink cleanout, it just gets easier. You don’t need to go through the challenging residual wipe-out process anymore.

You may access the clogs through the nearby cleanout opening. So, you can remove the residues and sediments with ease without professionals. It improves your home management system.

Boosts your property values:

Cleanouts in the kitchen sink allow easy camera and video inspection for clogs. As it makes sewage management easy, you will be more likely to get a better property value. When you sell your home, kitchen sinks with cleanout will provide you extra benefits.

Thus, these cleanout sections will increase the resell value of your home by $20000 to $30000. It shows why finding the right kitchen sink cleanout and diagram is necessary.

Kitchen Sink Cleanout Diagram:

The diagram of the cleanout might vary depending on your sink selection. It also varies according to your home’s central plumbing system. Usually, for a smaller horizontal draining system, you don’t need the extra cleanout segments.

Nonetheless, cleanout portions will be helpful when the horizontal draining is extended. When the sink in your kitchen has more than 20 feet of drainage leading to the main sewerage lines, you should install the cleanouts.

As you see in the picture, you don’t need upper draining cleanouts for the upper terminals if it is less than 5 feet. If the terminal for drainage is more than 5 feet, you should get the cleanout. The cleaning will be at the junction of the building’s main sewer and the draining pipe connecting the kitchen sink. It ensures easy-to-clog and blockage removable from the sink and P-trap.

You must contact a professional plumber if you need clarification on the plumbing diagram. He can help you outline the diagram shortly with a quick implementation.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does the kitchen drain need a cleanout?

Answer: A kitchen sink requires a cleanout to manage its draining system and main sewage lines efficiently. With the cleanout drainage, you don’t need to inspect the entire draining and plumbing system for clogs. So, you can quickly clean the residues inside the pipe by removing the cleanout opening in less than a couple of minutes.

The kitchen sink often builds up soapy residues, food particles, etc., to block the drains. So, the cleanout helps you remove them without professional help with a plumbing auger.

Does every sink need a cleanout?

Answer: Whether it is a kitchen or bathroom sink, a cleanout helps in easy unclogging of the connected drain and building sewage. It makes sink management easy and increases the resell value of your home. You won’t need to call a professional or clean the junctions from the sewerage space either.

How often should kitchen drains be cleaned?

Answer: You must run an annual cleaning of the kitchen drains. It helps to keep the system more manageable and running without clogs. Also, annual cleaning will save you from spending heftily on professional cleaning. It also safeguards the kitchen plumbing system from backing off the water.

How do you clean a drain without a plumber?

Answer: There’re multiple ways of cleaning the drain without a plumber. For clogs due to food particles and soapy residues, running hot water along with white vinegar and baking soda mixture works extensively. Or, you may use a plumbing auger with a claw in its front to catch the more significant residues. You can choose up to 20-foot-long wires for such purposes.

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