Why is Black Stuff Coming Out of Faucet? Is It Safe to Use?

black stuff coming out of faucet

Black stuff from the faucet is undoubtedly concerning, especially if it occurs frequently. However, it can be black, brown, or grey in color and can be slimy, gritty, or grainy in texture. Besides, the substance can vary in thickness and have a foul odor or taste. Therefore, it can stain surfaces, making them difficult to clean.

Although the problem of black stuff has been a recurring issue for many years, initially, it was mainly reported in areas with old plumbing systems. But now, it has become a widespread issue that can happen in many households.

Actually, the black stuff coming out of faucet could result from a buildup of minerals, rust, chemical reactions, mold in the pipes, or a few other reasons. No matter the reason, it can be harmful or make it difficult to use. Otherwise, it can also indicate the presence of bacteria or other contaminants in the water, which can lead to illness if consumed.

Anyway, today in this article, we will explore the different causes of black stuff coming out of the faucet, its health effects, prevention measures, and solutions.

So, stay with us for a detail description.

Possible Causes of Black Stuff Coming Out of Faucet

A variety of factors can cause the black substance in the faucet water. We have researched multiple reasons and finally ended up with some common causes. Have a look at which one matches your situation.

1. Municipal Water Supply Issues

The municipal water supply can cause the black substance in water. The water supply can become contaminated due to pipe corrosion, algae, or sediment buildup in the main water line. It is because the water contains various minerals and sediment that can accumulate in the pipes over time.

These minerals and sediment can break loose and become dislodged when the water pressure changes or the pipes are disturbed somehow.

As a result, the water treatment plant may not adequately treat the water, leading to black stuff in the water.

2. Plumbing Problems

Another possible reason for black stuff in your faucet is plumbing problems. Generally, it happens if your house has an old galvanized or iron pipe system. Since with time, these types of pipes can corrode and release zinc, corrosion or other forms of buildup inside the pipes.

Eventually, when water flows through these pipes, it can pick up the rust or buildup and carry it to the faucets. These can result in black, brown, or discolored water from the faucets.

Usually, it occurs if your plumbing system is not regularly maintained and clean.

3. Chemical Reactions

Apart from the old plumbing system and municipal water supply, chemical reactions can also cause the presence of black stuff in the water. For example, if the water supply has high levels of manganese or iron.

These minerals can react with chlorine in the water treatment process, forming black sediment in the water.

4. Old Water Heaters

Old water heaters can sometimes be a reason for black stuff coming out of faucets. Because water is heated inside the tank, minerals and sediment can accumulate at the bottom of the tank over time. This buildup can become dislodged when the water heater is turned on or off or when hot water is used for an extended period.

When this happens, the dislodged minerals and sediment can enter the water supply and out through the faucets. It can result in black, brown, or grey colored water.

In addition to mineral buildup, old water heaters can be more prone to rust and corrosion, particularly in the tank and pipes. As the metal corrodes, it can break down and release rust particles into the water supply, leading to discolored water.

5. Natural Occurrences

Lastly, several natural occurrences can cause black stuff to come from faucets.

Firstly, if you live in areas with high iron and manganese levels in the water supply, in that case, these minerals can accumulate in the plumbing system. Consequently, when the water is turned on or off, or when hot water is used. The deposits become dislodged and come out through the faucet and produce black or brown colored water.

Secondly, some organic matter such as algae or bacteria can grow in the plumbing system or water supply. It can break down and release a black or brown colored residue into the water.

Thirdly, the water can have a yellow or brown tint in areas with high levels of tannins in the water supply. Therefore, leave black residue in the plumbing system or on fixtures. However, tannins are naturally occurring compounds found in plants and soil.

Finally, in areas where shale gas drilling occurs, the drilling process can release naturally occurring compounds such as iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide into the water supply. It can cause black or brown colored water and may also have an unpleasant odor.

What to Do When You Notice Black Water

More or less, the above mention five reasons are the most common for black stuff coming out of faucet. However, after knowing the reason, the second question that comes to mind is what you can do if you notice black water. We have listed two immediate actions you must take when encountering the issue.

1. Stop Using the Water: Very first, avoid drinking or using black water for cooking, cleaning, or bathing. It will help prevent potential health risks and other unknown issues.

2. Check Your Neighbors: Secondly, ask your neighbors if they are also experiencing black water. If they also face the same issue, the problem might be with the municipal water supply. Better yet, you contact your water provider immediately.

Health Effects of Black Stuff in The Water

Now you know why and what you should do after noticing the water. Now carefully read the health risk.

Yes, the black substance in water can have adverse health effects, depending on its source. If the problem is caused by contamination from bacteria or other pathogens, it can cause gastrointestinal illness or other infections.

Additionally, if the black substance is caused by the buildup of sediment in the plumbing system. It can contain heavy metals or other harmful chemicals, which can cause health problems with prolonged exposure.

Solutions to Black Stuff Coming Out of Faucet

Depending on the problem, you must solve it. Let’s see which solution is for which situation. Follow each step carefully.

1. Check the Water Source

The first step is determining if the issue is localized to one faucet or affecting the entire home. If it’s just one faucet, the problem could be with the faucet itself or the pipes leading to it. If it’s affecting the entire home, the issue may be with the municipal water supply.

2. Flush the Faucet and Pipes

Flushing the plumbing system can help remove any buildup of sediment or debris in the pipes. It involves turning on all the faucets in the house and letting them run for several minutes. It can help remove any trapped sediment or debris in the pipes. Follow the step for accuracy.

Locate the shutoff valve for the affected faucet and turn it off. You can also turn off the main water supply to the home when you cannot locate the valve.

Now remove the aerator. It is a small, screen-like device located at the faucet’s tip. Unscrew it counterclockwise to remove it.

Next, turn on the faucet and let the water run for several minutes. The water can initially appear discolored but wait until it runs clear before proceeding.

Moving forward, take a small bowl and mix white vinegar and water in equal parts. Submerge the aerator in the solution and let it soak for several minutes. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove debris or buildup on the aerator. Rinse the aerator thoroughly with water and reinstall it onto the faucet.

If the black stuff continues to come out of the faucet, repeat the process several times to flush out for remaining debris or buildup in the pipes.

Finally, turn on the shutoff valve or the main water supply to the home to restore water flow to the affected faucet.

3. Check for Corrosion

The next step is for those who have an old pumping system. You already know old metal pipes produce corrosion and other buildups inside the lines. In that situation, check if only one faucet, pipe, or entire household pipe is affected. Because if corrosion is the issue, you might need to replace the affected lines or the whole plumbing system.

In that situation, it may be necessary to hire a professional plumber.

4. Replace Worn-out Parts

Check for worn-out or corroded parts if the issue is localized to the faucet. A worn-out washer or valve seat can cause buildup and debris to collect in the tap. Consider replacing these parts or the entire faucet if necessary.

5. Examine the Water Quality

Whenever flushing the faucet and changing pipes or faucet doesn’t solve the issue. You need to figure out if the problem is with the water quality. Have the water quality tested by a professional to check for high levels of iron, manganese, or other contaminants that may be causing the black stuff to appear.

If the water quality test reveals high levels of bacteria or other microorganisms, a chlorination treatment may be necessary. Chlorine can help disinfect the water and reduce the amount of black stuff coming out of the faucet. However, chlorine can also have a strong odor and taste.

Moreover, a water filtration system or water softener may be needed depending on the results.

6. Install a Water Softener or Whole-house Filtration

Hard water can cause mineral buildup in the plumbing system, leading to black stuff coming out of the faucet. Installing a water softener can reduce the hardness of the water and prevent mineral buildup. However, be aware that a water softener can also increase the sodium content of the water.

On the other hand, you can also consider whole-house filtration. Because a whole-house filtration system may be necessary if the water quality test reveals high levels of contaminants, such as lead or arsenic. A filtration system can help remove these contaminants and improve the overall water quality throughout the home. However, a filtration system can be expensive to install and maintain.

7. Check the Hot Water Heater

Lastly, if the issue only affects hot water, check the water heater for signs of corrosion or sediment buildup. Flushing the water heater or replacing the anode rod can help reduce the amount of black stuff from the faucet.


After trying all the mention methods, if the problem persists, hire a professional plumber to inspect the faucet and the plumbing system to identify and fix the underlying issue.

How to Prevent Black Stuff from Coming out of Faucet

  • Clean the faucet regularly to prevent the buildup of dirt, grime, and other impurities that may cause black stuff to come out.
  • Replace the filters on your faucet regularly to prevent the buildup of contaminants that may cause black stuff to come out.
  • Check the water quality regularly and install a water softener or filtration system to prevent the buildup of minerals and other impurities.
  • Use the right cleaning products to prevent damage to the faucet and to avoid the buildup of contaminants that may cause black stuff to come out.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I test my water?

Answer: You should test your water at least once a year to ensure it’s safe to drink and use.

Will a water filter solve the problem?

Answer: A water filter can help remove impurities and contaminants from your water supply, but it may not be enough to solve the problem if the cause of black water is due to corroded pipes or other issues with your plumbing system.

Can I drink black water if I boil it?

Answer: Boiling black water may help kill some bacteria or viruses but won’t remove other contaminants like lead. It’s best to avoid drinking black water until the cause has been identified and resolved.

Who do I contact if my municipal water system is the problem?

Answer: If you suspect that your municipal water system is the cause of black water, contact your local water authority or health department to report the issue and get further guidance.

Can black stuff in the water harm my health?

Answer: In general, the black stuff is not harmful to human health, but it can affect the taste and odor of your water. However, if the black color is caused by mold or bacteria. It may pose health risks, particularly to people with weakened immune systems. It is best to contact a professional plumber to identify the cause of the black stuff.


Although black stuff coming out of faucet can be a sign of a plumbing problem, but it is not uncommon. The causes of black things can range from mineral buildup to mold or bacteria in your pipes. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent black stuff from coming out of your faucet if you can figure out its exact reason. By following the tips and solutions outlined in this article, you can ensure that your water is clean and safe to use.

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